Photographer Code of Conduct

It’s incredibly important to me that you feel safe, comfortable and happy whenever you work with me. Here’s how I respect your bodily autonomy during our sessions:

  • Ask before touching you the first time
  • Check in with you occasionally about your experience and comfort
  • Give you space if you exhibit unusual nervousness or jitteriness
  • Explain what I’m doing occasionally
  • Respect any requests you might have for space or a break

Client/Attendee Code of Conduct

Client and event attendees must respect commonsense rules for public behavior, personal interaction, common courtesy, and respect for private property. Harassing or offensive behavior will not be tolerated. Touching without permission will not be tolerated.

The use of alcohol, marijuana, and illegal drugs IS NOT permitted on the photographer’s premises. The client understands that consumption of any such substances prior to and/or during the session may negatively impact the results of the images. If any such substances are consumed during the course of the session the photographer may cease work and retain all deposits.

The client will be responsible for the behavior of client during portraiture session. The photographer reserves the right to terminate the portraiture session without notice if the photographer deems the client’s behavior to be unruly or unsafe. In such instances, the photographer reserves the right to retain the full session fee and collect the minimum order as damages. The client will reimburse the photographer or her agents for any loss/damage caused to property or equipment.

Sweet Amaranth reserves the right to revoke, without refund, the admission of any attendee not in compliance with this policy and show them out. Anyone violating the code of conduct for an event or a session may also forfeit the high-resolution photos that may be part of the admission fee if that person is asked to leave before their photos are taken.

Anyone finding themselves in a situation where they feel their safety is at risk or who become aware of an attendee not in compliance with this policy should immediately locate Lindley so that she can handle the issue immediately.

We see you. We hear you. We believe you.

Makeup Artist Code of Conduct

This is the agreement that I typically ask makeup artists to sign before working with any of my clients:

The clients you’re working with today may be shy or particularly vulnerable. Please respect their bodily autonomy and:

  • Ask before touching them the first time
  • Give them space if they exhibit unusual nervousness or jitteriness
  • Explain what you’re doing occasionally
  • Respect any request they might have for space or a break

You must respect commonsense rules for public behavior, personal interaction, common courtesy, and respect for private property. Harassing or offensive behavior will not be tolerated. Touching without permission will not be tolerated.

Conversely, I expect clients to hold themselves to a high standard of behavior as well. If you find yourself in a situation where you feel your safety is at risk or a client exhibits unacceptable behavior, please find me so I can take steps immediately.

Body Positive Photography Pledge

As a body positive photographer, I:» View human bodies — all of them — with honesty, joy and compassion» Seek out a wide range of people who aren’t trained models for my portfolio images» Don’t talk about “problem areas” or “flaws”» Don’t strive to make bodies look smaller or larger than they actually are» Don’t digitally remove permanent aspects of people’s bodies like fat rolls or wrinkles Honor the body that each person has in this moment, in all its beauty and uniqueness» Strive to capture a wide range of body types, shapes, sizes, colors and orientations in my portfolio work, both to increase the representation of people in underrepresented bodies and to make clients in any conceivable body feel safe working with me» Use poses that are reasonably comfortable for each person’s body shape and size, rather than slavishly imitating only poses that very thin people use» Feature a full range of client and portfolio images on my website and in my social media, not just “aspirational” bodies